The Present Fleet

No.1 Whimbrel – 1953
Nigel Daniel

No.6 Swallow – 1953
Stephen Daniel

No.8 Gemini – 1954
Bryan Davis

No.20 Shearwater – 2000
Malcolm Gill

No.21 Tern – 2002
Ken & Morag Steven

No.22 Teal – 2003
Jane & Mike Calvert

No.23 Gannet – 2009
Chris Brown

No.24 Maflingo – 2018

Graham Sharland

No.25 Puffin – 2024

John Williams

No.26 Avocet – 2022

Iain & Pip Morison

Puffin No.25 is the latest AOD – launched, May 2024.

At the 2010 River Race Dinner, with all seven owners present, the AOD constitution was agreed and the Axe One Design Class Association established.

At the same time a new AOD specification was agreed, which incorporated the rules of 1959, forming a much more comprehensive set of class rules to safe guard the AOD. (Current Spec Version 5. June 2021)  Also, Peter Williams lofted a set of moulds from No.1 and is in the process of drawing a set of plans to compliment the specification.