After almost a year since placing his initial order Chris Brown has launched his new Axe One Design – Gannet – No.23. The severe winter weather was no deterrent, the launching went ahead on the 2nd January – an undeniably cold, clear and crisp morning. With temperatures hovering around zero there was no requirement to chill the champagne! The launching took place at Ashlett Creek, a light northerly provided just sufficient breeze for the initial sea trial.
Gannet took on hardly any water which is more than can be said for Swallow who accompanied the sea trial – not having been afloat for some time, similarities to sieves and colanders were remarked upon – however there is almost a sixty year age difference.
The launching of Gannet could now deem to be the start of the Solent fleet of Axe One Designs, although she is destined for an official launch and naming at the Axe in the early summer – hopefully all seven will sail together, the largest gathering afloat since 1968.