Latest News Flash for AOD 2010

During September the West Country contingent of AODs made an end of season visit to the Beaulieu River joining up with the two Solent based AODs Gannet & Swallow. Bucklers Hard provided an excellent launch site and the Beaulieu River a beautiful stretch of water to sail on. A warm welcome to the visiting boats … Read more

Show Day Racing

On the morning of the Axmouth show, Nos 1, 8 and 22 took part in a river race; no 22. Teal winning. Nigel Daniel presented Mike and Jane Culvert with a handsome posy of flowers in honour of their victory on the day of the Axmouth Flower Show. Several of the class will be on … Read more

2010 Launching

After almost a year since placing his initial order Chris Brown has launched his new Axe One Design – Gannet – No.23.  The severe winter weather was no deterrent, the launching went ahead on the 2nd January – an undeniably cold, clear and crisp morning.  With temperatures hovering around zero there was no requirement to chill the champagne!  … Read more

Autumn 2009

Another season has come to an end, the evening river races finally curtailed by the failing light as autumn draws on on. Overall the River Race series has been well sponsored and a good proportion of the races completed, the only notable non entrant this year was Swallow, she couldn’t be enticed westwards from the … Read more

AOD No.23 Fully Planked

Chris Brown’s AOD is taking shape at Pete William’s yard in Bodinnick. AOD No.23 has reached the the fully planked stage with ribs, the thwarts and centre plate box come next, Pete is hoping to finish build in the next couple of weeks. A keen eyed observer has noted that the Sea View One Design … Read more

New Year, New Axe One Design

Chris Brown of Ashlett Creek has placed an order for a new AOD with Peter Williams at Bodinnick, Fowey. Launching of No.23 is planned for early summer. Locally, Paul and his son Alex Mears (Axmouth boat builders) have made a start on building an AOD, the stem and transom have been cut in preparation for … Read more